Fiber Art

I love all kinds of fabrics and fibers, old and new, and making art with them.  Fiber arts provides opportunities for continual learning and discovery and putting together old processes with new. I especially like using natural fibers and natural dyes in my work. Upcycling old materials and clothes into new textiles and art never gets boring as the possibilities are limitless.

I have been sewing and knitting and crocheting since almost as early as I can remember. I was probably seven or eight when I first used my friend’s grandmother’s treadle sewing machine to make sack dresses for our trolls and moon goons. By age 10, I was using my mom’s electric sewing machine and by 13, I was making my own clothes and knitting my own sweaters. I had my own sewing machine by nineteen and made my first patchwork quilt at twenty. I’ve been saving and carting around old fabric for the last thirty years for quilting and fiber projects and am so excited to  make fabric artwork. I started felting about twenty-years ago, and in the last few years I’ve been making felted art work with that technique.